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How to Create Custom Packages for PS3 Games with PSN Package NPDRM.rar

If you get black screen and console freeze during game startup on HEN/HAN try this method:1. Before converting, move the original files of "PS3_GAME\USRDIR" (except EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self) to a temp folder outside the PS3_GAME folder.2. Convert the game using CFW2OFW v1.13 ("PS3_GAME\USRDIR" should contain EBOOT.BIN, default.self, and default_mp.self files only).3. After the conversion, move the original files (the ones inside the temp folder you made in step 1) to the converted folder "BLES00687\USRDIR". (resulting NPEB00687 folder should be small, around 19-20MB in size and BLES00684 should be around 7.15GB)4. Make the packages with Make-Backup-PKG, game package will be small (19-20MB) while patch will be the biggest one (7.15GB)

{PSN Package NPDRM.rar}

Save it as "package.conf". Place "psn_package_npdrm" and "package.conf" on the root folder BLUS30161. EDIT PARAM.SFO changing to HD mode and Title CODE as ETS, save it. Execute "psn_package_npdrm", and wait to convert PKG. Install PKG and done.

For HAN:1. Rename PS3_GAME folder to NPEA00129 (game conversion not needed),2. Download update manually and extract it (folder should be called: BCES00129, if extraction tool puts it inside another folder, take it out and put it alongside NPEA00129),3. COPY all files from BCES00129 EXCEPT PARAM.SFO to NPEA00129,4. In NPEA00129 folder, edit PARAM.SFO and change Category, DG into HG; AppVer into 1.03,5. Move both folders NPEA00129 and BCES00129 to make-backup-pkg then make the packages.

Downloading or transferring packages from PC to PS3 work via PKG Linker with either HAN enabled or Debug Packages mode activated, BUT below are some observed behaviors/rules of the tool:

The firmware can be downloaded from the official PlayStation website, there's also an additional firmware package that contains the system fonts that needs to be installed. The font firmware package can be downloaded straight from the PlayStation servers.


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